More MCE Scholarships Success!

MCE Insurance

The MCE Insurance Scholarship program aims to develop people and invest in talent within the company by giving MCE people an opportunity to learn on the job, be validated on how they perform in their position and make them better at their job.

This year through working with training provider Key Training, MCE people have seen a number of successes including completion of the Apprenticeship Level 2 (Equivalent to 5 GCSE's) in customer service by Amy Shilton, Richard Bierton, Andy Hollis, Christine Coram and Ray Clark. Also completed this year was the Apprenticeship level 3 (equivalent to 2 A-Level passes) in team leadership by Trevor Murphy and Rob Wright.

MCE Insurance's Group Chief Executive Julian Edwards commented, "The MCE Insurance Scholarship program is something we're very proud of. Offering our people the chance to develop themselves and move forward in their career so they can do a better job for themselves and also for the customer."

26.09.13 - Big Ed

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