The ultimate tool for dashing around city streets or country roads; Mopeds provide a stable service to many bikers. Whether it's a winter hack or a polished Puch these small capacity motorbikes are big money savers only consuming tiny amounts of petrol making the commute to work a lot more affordable. Nimble and fast they are also great for dodging the traffic!

Here at MCE we're geared up to look after your little machines with our policies filled with great additions, get a quote today by clicking below.

We are committed to ensuring that your privacy and any personal information you provide are protected. We have a Privacy Policy, full details of which can be found using this link: Privacy Policy

Policy Features and Benefits

An MCE policy is designed to give you peace of mind by including these features and benefits as standard. Want something extra or a higher level of cover? Just ask!

1. Breakdown Cover
Broken down? Don't panic, we'll sort you out! Extra level of cover available on request.

2. Courtesy Bike
There for you when you need it! Extra level of cover available on request.

3. Personal Accident Cover
When the unthinkable happens, we're there for you! Extra level of cover available on request.

4. Helmet and Leather Cover
Protect your gear with this policy feature included as standard! Extra level of cover available on request.

5. 90 Days European Cover
Disappear for 3 months and we've got you covered every single day! Extra level of cover available on request.

6. Excess Reducer
Reduce your Excess by 50% with this additional policy feature.

7. Protected No Claims Bonus
Keep that NCB safe with this addional policy feature.

* The above are subject to levels of cover - Full details of policy features and benefits available on request or check your MCE policy booklet